SDA Kinship International is an LGBTQIA+ affirming and inclusive community for current and former Seventh-day Adventists
Our online and in-person community provides a safe space that allows everyone to be their authentic selves, share their stories, ask questions, and share helpful resources for people to better understand LGBTQIA+ experiences.
Notre communauté comprend...
Personnes LGBTIQ +

Personnes LGBTIQ +
We are LGBTIQ people who are learning to affirm our identities and reconcile them with our faith journeys. We experience life in a community where we can be authentic, accepted, and safe.
We are LGBTIQ people who are learning to affirm our identities and reconcile them with our faith journeys. We experience life in a community where we can be authentic, accepted, and safe.
Famille et amis

Famille et amis
We provide resources and community for parents, families, and friends who want to better understand, support, and connect with their LGBTIQ loved ones.
We provide resources and community for parents, families, and friends who want to better understand, support, and connect with their LGBTIQ loved ones.
Leaders et alliés

Leaders et alliés
Pastors, teachers, and other leaders can learn how to minister to the LGBTIQ community with love. Pastors also share tools, stories, and their journeys with each other.
Pastors, teachers, and other leaders can learn how to minister to the LGBTIQ community with love. Pastors also share tools, stories, and their journeys with each other.
Que dit la Bible à propos des personnes LGBTQIA+ ?
Nous croyons que la Bible ne condamne pas l'orientation homosexuelle et qu'elle ne traite pas de l'identité transgenre. De nombreux chrétiens adventistes du septième jour, des laïcs aux professeurs de séminaire, ont étudié les textes bibliques relatifs aux actes sexuels entre personnes du même sexe et ont conclu que ce que la Bible ne dit pas est aussi important que ce qu'elle dit.
Order a copy for yourself
or a friend, today!

Kinship autour du monde
Notre communauté internationale s'étend sur six continents et plus de 80 pays. Notre objectif est de permettre à tous nos membres de se connecter localement pour la communauté et le soutien. Beaucoup de ces régions ont des groupes Facebook et WhatsApp privés pour communiquer et planifier des événements. Voir nos Communautés !