Kinship in Africa

Kinship in Africa is a community of current and former Adventist LGBTQIA+ individuals and their families and friends, who live in or come from the countries on the African continent. This group within Kinship provides community and advocacy for our members in Africa and serves many diverse needs and cultures.

Unsere Gemeinschaft umfasst...

LGBTIQ + Menschen
LGBTIQ + Menschen
We are LGBTIQ people who are learning to affirm our identities and reconcile them with our faith journeys. We experience life in a community where we can be authentic, accepted, and  safe.
Familie und Freunde
Familie und Freunde
We provide resources and community for parents, families, and friends who want to better understand, support, and connect with their LGBTIQ loved ones.
Führer & Verbündete
Führer & Verbündete
Pastors, teachers, and other leaders can learn how to minister to the LGBTIQ community with love. Pastors also share tools, stories, and their journeys with each other.

sergey pesterev wdMWMHXUpsc unsplash 350Kinship Kenya

The Kinship community in Kenya has been very active in conducting advocacy and outreach to pastors. Kinship has sponsored a variety of meetings where local Adventist pastors can learn about LGBTQIA+ issues and experiences in the Seventh-day Adventist church.

Afrikanische Regionen & Führer

Afrikanisches Führungsteam

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• Kenia
  Rena Otieno and George  email icon 35
• Südafrika
  Mark  email icon 35