By Kinship Communications on Miércoles, 03 Agosto 2022
Category: Connection eNews


“Together Again” Kampmeeting

July 14-17, 2022
John & Carolyn Wilt, Directors-at-Large
Families & Friends Coordinators

A few weeks ago, we enjoyed being “Together Again” with many of our Kinship members, “rainbow” families, and leaders in Orlando, Florida. Yes, it was warm—really muggy and daily rain with noisy lightning strikes. But inside a safe and comfortable hotel, we gave and received many hugs and high fives and heard warm welcomes and hellos. That’s what a meaningful in-person Kampmeeting does!

Thursday evening, it started with an energetic opening presentation by Kumar Dixit, our Kinship Chaplain. He movingly shared his own family life journey—the challenges, decisions, and successes. After a few minutes to catch our breaths, another uplifting presentation by Rev. Dr. Raymond Anderson, an Ordained Centers for Spiritual Living minister from Baltimore, Maryland, closed our opening night.

Friday was kicked off with another energetic welcome by Kumar, followed by a valuable discussion regarding the transgender journey by Randi Robertson, Kinship’s Transgender Coordinator. Randi also shared more on Friday evening regarding her personal journey, including challenges and successes.

Dr. Anderson shared more about his own life as a teacher, minister, author, performing artist, father, and grandfather. He also shared about his own intersectionalities as a Black gay cisgender man—his traumatic past of abuse and his healing life journey. His life mission is right in step with Kinship’s goals and missions: to live, move, and be an A.C.T.I.V.E.* member of society who serves to educate, elucidate, and emancipate people and communities to awaken and empower themselves. *Authentic, Compassionate, Transparent, Inspired, Vibrant, Empowered

Friday evening was also enriched with a unique communion led by Stephen Chavez, Director of Church Relations.

Sabbath morning was warmly energized with folks from the Orlando Adventist Whole Life Church. Several supported a song service followed by Associate Pastor Jeff Cinquenmani’s sermon. He is a licensed mental health counselor, and for the past 30 years, he has taken part in creating new visions for the community and worthwhile missions for the church.

We enjoyed the best attendance—approaching 100 members, guests, and “rainbow” families. Lunch was delicious haystacks. Then, many of us gathered to share various parts of our personal lives in small groups. Carolyn and I facilitated a small gathering of local families, a counselor, and a pastor from another Adventist church.

Although it was our first in-person Kampmeeting after COVID, Reggie Garcon, Brian Durham, and several other dedicated folks volunteered their creative talents in planning, organizing, and accomplishing this event.

Carolyn and I share these micro briefs because every presentation and every chat in person with our guests and in small groups with old and new friends was and is very worthwhile as we all learn more, understand more, and have our personal emotional batteries recharged.

We believe our Florida Kinship members and their families benefitted from this event. Kinship desires to help other areas and also benefit from meeting in person. Of course, Carolyn and I deeply look forward to meeting and connecting with more families and more allies to help Kinship grow and provide support to all “rainbow” folks and their families.

If you missed the Orlando Kampmeeting, that’s okay. We’re going to do more gatherings. If you have ideas and suggestions, please share them with us or any Kinship leader. How can Kinship enrich your lives, your desires, and your future?